The film industry is abuzz with the news that Ravi Chopra's BANDA YEH BINDAAS HAI, starring Govinda, Lara Dutta and Sushmita Sen, is in deep trouble. Reportedly, 20th Century Fox has served a legal notice to Chopra for blatantly lifting the Hollywood film MY COUSIN VINNY and have demanded a compensation of Rs. 7 crores. True?
Sanjay Bhutiani, the CEO of B.R. Films, doesn't deny the development. "We have the email correspondence by people in Los Angeles to make the film. We have it in writing," he says.
But, reportedly, Fox is talking of plagiarism. "Well, our legal people are looking into it. We should be ready with a reply in a day or two," Bhutiani adds.
With Hollywood studios issuing notices in trade magazines vis-à-vis the rights of their films, it's clear that they (the studios) are keeping a sharp eye on Bollywood.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 11:48 IST