The purchase of rights deal (of reportedly Rs. 150 crore) between Rakesh Roshan and BIG Pictures for Roshan produced Kites has been touted as the biggest film deal Bollywood has ever witnessed. Now aiming to make a bigger impact in the global market, BIG Pictures is gearing up to market the Hrithik Roshan - Barbara Mori starrer films to the international market at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival.
Our sources from BIG Pictures reveal, "We are planning to host a press conference and will also be showcasing a teaser on two digital screens adjacent to the red carpet entrance of the Palais. But it is not just Kites that we are aiming to market. We are also planning to market our big art house film slate."
Kites is a bilingual and shall release in both its Hindi and English versions. This Anurag Basu film stars Kangana Ranuat, Nick Brown and Kabir Bedi. It is produced under Rakesh Roshan's banner Filmkraft Productions and is scheduled for a Diwali 2009 release world over.
Monday, May 11, 2009 13:07 IST