On Friday May 15th evening actress Celina Jaitley held a press conference at ace photographer Rakesh Shrestha's studio in Aaram Nagar, Goregaon, Mumbai in regards to her photos being morphed and misused by
a website.
Earlier during the day, Celina Jaitley had complained to the cyber crime department against the website which had allegedly morphed her pictures and uploaded on its site.
The Ex Miss India turned actress
was left shocked on seeing her around an year old pictures from a photo shoot being morphed and used to titillate by the website to sell gadgets. Her pictures had the words "Slide to unlock' written on her
Celina appeared miffed at the alleged miscreants during the press conference and terming the incident as a professional hazard further added, "It is unfortunate that this is the price one has to pay for stardom. I hope
the law brings the trouble makers to book."
Saturday, May 16, 2009 13:17 IST