The suave actor Aashish Chowdhry has just returned from Scotland after his shoot for ASA's forthcoming movie Three-Love, Lies and Betrayal which also marks Aashish's first solo lead.
The team, who had been shooting in Scotland for more than a month is back in town and the actor can't seem to bear the extreme heat.
Although being used to frequent climatic changes owing to constant travelling, Aashish is completely avoiding the heat at the moment and staying indoors as much as possible.
But well, he has more reasons to be jubilant as he reunites with his new born son Agasthya and wife Samita after long.
"Yes it feels good to be back with family and I'm over-joyed to spend some quality time with my son once again. I wouldn't know about him, but I've sure missed him a lot." Jokes Aashish..
Now that's what we call endearing.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009 12:36 IST