Talented and hard working actress Divyanka Tripati also known as Vidhya in Shakuntalam films Banoo Mein Teri Dulhan
is sad as the well-liked serial is soon going to be off-air.
On being asked if she is aware that the show will soon
come to an end, she said "Dulhan might be going off air because again we have got a four days extension and I hope
this time they give us more and more extensions."
Also when asked about her reactions when she heard the disheartening news, she replied, "I know that when any thing
is going far away from you how desperately you want to tie it down back and you don't want to let it go.
This is
the same case with me and the show Dulhan because before when the story was not going so good even I wanted that
show goes off air but now when everything is going fine and the storyline is also so good so now I don't want it to go off
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 10:32 IST