STAR One's upcoming stand up comedy reality show Hans Baliye's two judges, actress Karisma Kapoor and filmmaker David Dhawan partied along with the show's celebrity couples contestants at the Tequilla Lounge in Andheri, Mumbai on Thursday May 28th late evening.
The party began with the cake cutting ceremony with Karisma and David jointly cutting the cake. Amongst the present celebrity contestants were Bakhtiyaar - Tanaaz Irani, Rajeev - Delnaaz Paul, Rajesh Kumar with wife Madhavi, comedian Gurpreet Ghuggi with wife Kuljeet, Shailesh Gulabani – Ashita Dhavan and the recently married Juhi Parmaar with hubby Sachin Shroff. The show hosts Gaurav Gera and Sunil Grover were present as well. A lot of camaraderie was visible amongst the contestants.
Once the party began, both Gaurav and Sunil were having fun at each other's expense. Sunil even perched a yellow flower in a drinking straw and presented it to Gaurav so that he can gift it to the prettiest girl in the party and find himself a better partner.
The show marks the coming together of the comic stalwarts of Bollywood, Karisma and David, after a span of 6 years, with their last work together being Haseena Maan Jayegi. David is known for his splendid comic timing which has been highlighted in the movies he has directed while Karisma Kapoor has portrayed comic roles with unmatched ease.
Karisma however, left as soon as the formalities were over. The contestant celebrity couples continued their partying.
Friday, May 29, 2009 12:13 IST