Finally Akshay Kumar has joined the bandwagon of elite stars who blog to connect with their fans. Here's what Akki has to say to his fans in his latest entry:
Hey Everyone... It's me the new Robin Hood of India, I rob from the rich (producers) and give to the poor (my staff), Hehe!! I'm kidding, seriously, it's comments like these that get me in trouble ;o)...
So did you guys read about my ever so exciting capture by the police, and my wife's surrender story over my ‘Unbuttoning incident'... My life sounds like a scene out of C.S.I Miami right now I swear, this year is
definitely going down in the book of ‘Who framed Akshay Kumar'...
The STORY goes something like, I land back in Bombay and within seconds I've had our famous press calling up and reporting that I've been captured by the police after running away coz of my supposedly "obscene
Levi's ramp walk", and my wife has apparently surrendered herself out of fear for her husbands captivity.
Listen I understand journalists need to sell their papers but guys you can't make a fool out of your
readers, that story was worse than a ‘C' grade drama serial...
When all that really happened was I came back and drove to the Police station myself, signed some papers, joined my hands, wished them all a
pleasant day and went home to my family, it was as boring as that... But instead I've been made to feel like the Bad Boy criminal of Bombay for the first time in my life...
Now I just need to get a pair of green
tights find a bow and arrow, change my name to Robin Hood and I'll officially be the loved outlaw...
Haha and do you know what I later found out, the guy that placed this ridiculous complaint against me, has actually filed numerous other pointless case's against other celebrities also. Well I hope he's happy and has
enjoyed his fair share of desperate attention, was it really worth it man...
Now with all that nonsense behind, I want to talk to you about something very serious.
Some of you may already know but one of Bollywood's best make-up artists has just been through a spine chilling horrific experience, I don't want to delve into it too much out of pure respect for her. But her ordeal
should be a wake up call for all of us.
Bless her, she was tortured so badly, I was choked up so much when I heard what had happened to her, the whole industry should be thankful she is still here with us
now. This brave lady has literally faced death in front of her very eyes, and she is such a wonderful woman, so nice, she'd never hurt anyone.
See, life's not safe, it's not fair, it's scary and unpredictable.
People of India please start being more careful, if I read one more rape or murder case in out city I think I'll cry..
Why can't Mumbai adopt something from Singapore! The crime rate is so incredibly low there,
and it's only because of the "Death Sentence". It's given for a lot of severe crimes, no joke, people are even too scared to spit on the street there for fear of being arrested...
Now I can't change the law, but I
can advise all of you, especially the women of India to please learn self defence, murderers don't train to become killers, they just get up and commit sinful acts, but you yourselves can train to kill if necessary if you
are ever faced with such vicious humans...
Dear God I'm not saying carry a gun, I just think you should all know how to defend yourselves and run before it's too late and your loved ones are having to explain
to your children or your partner that you suffered coz you didn't know how to fight back...
I didn't learn martial arts to be some famous dude, I trained because the discipline was something I didn't want to live
life without... Tonight please think about how you're going to protect yourselves and your family, take care, and live life like you care about it...
Love and Prayers to all of you
Courtesy: Itimes
Friday, May 29, 2009 12:39 IST