Producer Asit Kumarr Modi of Neela Telefilms, along with Pravin Solanki and Lalit Shah of Bhavan's Cultural Centre Andheri, organized an interactive evening with the cast of Taarak Mehta ka Ooltah Chashma. The event took place at the lakeside amphi-theatre in Bhavan's College and provided a medium to the loyal viewers of the show, to put forth their questions directly to their favorite icons.
Dilip Rawal, a famous Gujarati actor, introduced the cast one by one. Each character performed a small gag for which they are known far and wide.
The entire cast, director Dharmesh Mehta and the writers were also present. The cast was welcomed by loud cheers from the audience.Dilip Joshi, Disha Vakani, Amit Bhatt, Munmun Dutt, Neha Mehta extended their gratitude to the people who are die-hard fans of this show. The event was a great hit with a tremendous response from the audience.
Little children were made to sit in the front row and were pretty elated to see the kid gang of the show especially, Tapu. A new character Popat lal was also introduced who performed a little act and will soon join the Mehta family.
Though the place got packed, fans of Taarak Mehta kept walking in till late. It was clearly a day out for the Gujarati community who all along made request to the cast, to mouth and enact their favourite dialogues from the show. The team it seems was more than happy to oblige their fans who have made this show a huge success.
Well, well cast of Taarak Mehta is surely enjoying the love and attention of its loyal viewers.
Tuesday, June 02, 2009 11:45 IST