There had been lots of speculation regarding the up coming soap on Zee, tentatively titled Rani Lakshmi Bai. The latest development on the show is that now it will be co producer by Nitin Desai and Contiloe.
"Yes I will be doing the show on Zee with Contiloe, " says Nitin Chandrakant Desai.
When asked about the details he quips, "Well it's too early to say. Its better you contact the channel as I don't think I am allowed to reveal any further information."
Initially this show was of supposed to be produced by new production house Innovative 9. The channel was not happy with the production house and transferred the show to Contiloe. Now it will be co produced by Nitin
"There promos were also on but due to this battle between the channel and the production house it was taken off. Now the channel is thinking of when to launch the show, " states the source.
We tried contacting Abhimanyu Singh from the Contiloe but he was not available for the comments.
Thursday, June 04, 2009 09:49 IST