South Indian star actress, Asin may have established herself in Hindi Film Industry after giving a hit film like Ghajini but the actress doesn't seems to be at ease in Bollywood due to her link ups with different top actors of Bollywood.
Very recently her name was linked with her London Dreams co-star Salman Khan. It was even said that Salman has bought a house for Asin in a posh locality of Mumbai.
In the end, both Asin and Salman have to come out in open to deny all these rumours.
The charming actress was recently in Chennai meeting 40 lucky winners of TATA SKY Contest day before yesterday and she met media channels on that occasion.
She said, ‘Medias in Hindi Film Industry are so pathetic that they have no stories other than penning rumors and silly gossips about me. I feel more insecure over there.'
Friday, June 05, 2009 12:56 IST