Pooja Kanwal who has debuted on television with the show Palampur Express is very busy these days. The actress is shuffling between her serial and movie. Currently she is in Himachal completing her last commitment for a Punjabi flick.
"She is out of two for two days busy shooting in Himachal for the song of her last flick. Now she has completed all her movies commitments and will be focusing on television, " says Pooja's mom.
Pooja has worked in different language films. "She has done South Indian, Punjabi, Pakistani and Hindi movies too. Her Hindi film Blue Oranges is all set to release soon, " chirps the mommy.
The actress had already informed the production about her last film schedule. "She told them that for five days shooting has been left of her flick and she has to complete it. The team of Palampur is very understanding and they gave her the permission."
Talking about her juggling act, the mother states, "Yes it's been difficult for her but all I can say is that it comes in the package."
"She has been shooting day in and out for her show on Sony. The most difficult part has been the out door shoots in the heat. I really hope that my daughter's work is appreciated by the audience too, " she concludes.
Well Pooja you win the Olympics or not but have made your parents proud. Great
Saturday, June 06, 2009 13:27 IST