Farah Khan who is currently judging the show on Sony, Entertainment Ke Liye Kuch Bhi Karega was recently called by SRK at his home. The King Khan invited the ace chorographer cum director to talk about her
stint and the show.
This weekend the two met up and had a long chat about the stunts and entertainment about the fun show. "This Saturday, Farah met Shah Rukh and they had a long discussion about the format of the show. They also
chat about the stunts that had been performed by the participants, " states our khabroo.
"The Badshah of Bollywood himself appreciated daring of the contestants. He also revealed that his children's had been glued to the TV sets and after watching this they masti have increased. They keep doing some
crazy stuff at home too, " adds the source.
Farah had a gala time meeting him. "She is going to talk about her this experience in the next week's episode also, " concludes the source.
Well there is no celeb guest on Entertainment... but if you see SRK on the it don't be surprise as he is also one follower of the show.
Saturday, June 06, 2009 13:37 IST