Talented Rachna Shah has carved her niche in the world of art and serious cinema. With the release of Kal kisne dekh hai this Friday she will attain a new recognition. "Yana's character was challenging for me for two reasons. Firstly I don't identify with her and secondly I had to perform many stunts in the film", she briefs.
After KKDH, she will storm the Bollywood with her next flick Rang Rasiya. In this film she is playing a girl who is in love with a painter, which is being played by Randeep Hooda.
Subsequently, the stunning actress will be seen in Bengali movie which will be releasing in August. She has also worked in ‘Bollywood Heroes' a 3 part miniseries with a Hollywood actor Julian Sands.
"I want to try different acts, not the regular run of the mills types. I hope I can make that kind of space for myself in the industry with in the commercial aspects", she concludes. This super talented lass has crossed her fingers for next couple of months.
Friday, June 12, 2009 12:02 IST