At this year's International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) Awards Abhishek Bachchan has managed to achieve an unique feat of sorts. Abhishek has been nominated in a mind boggling four categories. No other actor in any Bollywood awards history till date has managed this honour.
The nominations for Abhishek for IIFA 2009 are in the following categories - Best Actor in a Leading Role Male for Dostana, Best Actor in a Supporting Role Male for Sarkar Raj, Best Actor in a Comic Role Male for Dostana and Star of the decade Male.
Abhishek had multiplied his fan following with his fun act in Dostana and his brooding act in Sarkar Raj had yet again established that when it comes to intense roles amongst the present generation of actors, there is none to match Bachchan Junior.
It can be recalled that Abhishek had earlier won the IIFA award for Sarkar in the Best Supporting Actor category and now it remains to be seen whether he can repeat the success.
With so many nominations up his sleeve and also a scheduled performance at the awards night this year, there is no doubt that Abhishek is going to rock IIFA 2009.
Friday, June 12, 2009 12:19 IST