He has been a part of Hindi film industry for five decades and carved a niche for himself both as an actor and filmmaker, but legendary actor Manoj Kumar is not so happy with the current scenario. He thinks that in today's time directors don't get any importance in a project.
"A lot has changed in the industry. Earlier, the director used to be the captain of the ship and was considered the most important part of a project. But today directors have no value, barring a few, " Manoj Kumar told.
"Today, what is more important for people is which star is acting in the film, " he added.
Manoj Kumar, who has directed hit films like "Upkaar", "Shaheed" and "Purab Aur Paschim", is all set to wield the megaphone once again for an Indo-Pak love story.
Monday, June 15, 2009 11:39 IST