Sherlyn Chopra has created a stir. Ever since the launch of her official website which also features an exclusive SC (Sherlyn Chopra) store, her 'Fan Club' section has shown an exponential growth. Moreover, her
merchandising of personal belongings (one of the firsts when it comes to an Indian celebrity) has been an overwhelming response.
The merchandise boasts of a DVD consisting of some never seen before photo shoot videos of Sherlyn, bikini calendar, autographed mugs, posters, wallpapers and hold-your-breath, even her diamond studded lingerie
paired with golden shorts, which became famous with her 'Dard' video.
Says Sherlyn diplomatically, "I guess people are maturing and it's no more a big deal to wear lingerie similar to that of a celebrity. And when it is officially available, it only gets a certain authenticity to the state of
affairs. So why should one hold back?"
Also in the pipeline are some exclusive clothing items like a 'Knee length figure hugging dress with ankle length tights', 'Halter Top', 'Low-waist pants with rings from top to bottom in the front & at the back', 'Evening
Wear with a one strap shoulder & a diagonal cut from left to right', 'Knee length Bodysuit', 'Body suit with golden sequence with a zipper at the back', 'Swimsuit with diagonal cuts & strings to tie around the waist & at
the neck', 'Legging with embroidered sequence around knees', 'Corset with transparent knee length tights' and her 'Outrageous Shirts'.
So in near future, would she be putting more stuff of mine on the site?
Says a source close to Sherlyn, "Well, there are quite a few other naughty ideas that she is currently contemplating but then she is taking it a little slow right now. She first wants to gauge people's reaction on the
current set of things and then expand on the merchandise."
Monday, June 15, 2009 12:02 IST