Preeti Jain the actress who had accused filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar of rape few years back, was detained by Police officials on Tuesday, June 16th late noon.
Starlet Preeti along with around 50 activists of a social organisation, Human Rights Association of India had held a protest on Tuesday late noon in suburban Mumbai area, Jogeshwari to protest against Shiney Ahuja who has been arrested by police on charges of raping his house maid.
Preeti Jain along with the present large number of protestors was demanding stern action against Shiney Ahuja. But soon things began going out of hand as the protestors began burning effigies of filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar and actor Shiney Ahuja.
The present Police officials then detained close to 20 protestors including Preeti Jain.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009 10:05 IST