Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt seems to have developed a fetish for tattoos. Just over a fortnight after he got both his
parents' names inked on his chest, the 49-year-old actor has got three more tattoos - this time on his neck.
A source close to Sanjay revealed that the actor has got the imprints of a Tibetan Om, his birth sign Leo as well as a
red-inked tattoo of the numerical one (1), done on his neck.
"Number one depicts the Sun god and it is a lucky number for Sanjay. He wanted these three tattoos to be made for
future prosperity and good luck in his life, " the source told.
According to the source, Vishwas Dorwekar of Hakim Aalim's salon has done these tattoos for Sanjay.
Dorwekar is also the man who tattooed the actor's mother, Nargis' name in Urdu and his father Sunil Dutt's name in
'Devnagari' script on Sanjay's chest at the beginning of this month.
Earlier, Sanjay had approached Dorwekar to tattoo the word "honour" in Japanese on his arm besides getting a coloured
tattoo of a big lion on his chest.
Much before this, Sanjay even got an image of a lion inked on his forearm.
Friday, June 19, 2009 11:27 IST