Recently while shooting for the reality show of Zee, Ladies Special, the two judges met with small accident
on the sets. Both of them fall from their seat while greeting a contestant.
"That was hilarious as all three of us fell, me Baba and Kritika (contestant). Though the unit panic of me
getting hurt but they were surprised when I got back on the seat and started the shoot, " recalls
Elaborating on the incident she says, "Kritika performed the best in that particular episode and I was suppose
to give her the trophy ‘belan'. When she came to take away her trophy I thought let me get up and hug her
and I did. Our chairs have wheels due to which sometimes it goes far away even if we push bit."
"Similar thing happened that day when I was about to sit, I slipped and was holding that girl who also fell on
me. Looking at this Baba came to our rescue but even he slipped and hurt himself a bit, " she adds
Tabassum had hurt her self too but did not halt the shoot. "I am very professional and cannot throw tantrum
on the sets. I worship my work and thus like to finish my commitments on time, " concludes the
Well such comedy situation do occurs on the sets. All we can say is that they really had a good laugh...
Saturday, June 20, 2009 10:19 IST