Recently it was reported that actress Nandana Sen had turned down several prestigious Hollywood film offers including one by Italian filmmaker Italo Spinelli to pose nude in his film as their scripts demanded her giving a nude scene.
She had reportedly put her foot down to topless or nude scenes after controversial nude scenes in Ketan Mehta's Rang Rasiya.
But now there is a buzz that Nandana is all set to do a steamy photo session for fashion designer Umair Zafar wherein she will be appearing in topless..
But Umair however states in this regard, "Nandana Sen is going to work with me but that's it. I don't know where these news reports came from. They are completely false and she is not posing nude. I am a designer after all and I have to showcase my clothes. We are still working on the outfits and the concept."
When tried to contact Nandana, she was not available for comments as she is unwell.
Thursday, June 25, 2009 11:40 IST