Akshay Kumar's bad luck run at the box office is all set to end with his latest release Kambakkht Ishq that releases in theaters on July 3rd. At least that's what numerology suggests according to famous astro-
numerologist Bhavikk Sangghvi.
According to Bhavikk, "The title of the film is already 'numerologically corrected' since it is spelt with a double 'K'. That makes the film title add up to Number 33 which would further add up to Number 6 which represents
Venus - the planet of love, peace, and harmony. The film is primarily a love story and this combination would work wonders for the film."
He further adds, "Also, Kareena is a Number 3 (21st September) person in numerology while Akshay and producer Sajid Nadiadwala are both Number 9s (9th September and 18th Feb. respectively). Both the numbers
3 and 9 gel very well and the pairing of this trio is a hit combination."
"The paid previews of the film are supposed to be held a day earlier on July 2. The year 2009 adds up to the same number and this factor would also work in favor of the film. The period of June 20 - July 20 is the best
time to start or release any creative venture and nothing can get bigger or better than KAMBAKKHT ISHQ.
So, come rain, come flood - KAMBAKKHT ISHQ should hit the bull's eye in all probability," concludes Sangghvi on a confident note.
Friday, July 03, 2009 13:41 IST