Sreejita De who got recognition from the show Annu Ki Ho Gayi Waah Bhai Waah, now wants to move a step ahead. She is eyeing Bollywood; as a lead actress. Setting the wheels in motion she is already doing
rounds of studios and has given a few auditions.
"With small screen I am also looking out for Hindi Films offers. Let's see what happens, as I have given a few auditions and now I am waiting for the reply from the other side, " says Sreejita.
Sreejita has shared screen space with khiladi Akshay Kumar in the film Tashan. When asked; what kind of role she is looking forward to do? The actress replied, "I don't mind doing important character roles, which
have scope for performance; but definitely I am looking out for lead, to play on silver screen, " she briefs.
The actress was all set to play the parallel lead role in Colors show Uttaran; but suddenly the news splurged that she has been ousted. "Even I don't know the exact reason. I just heard that a very prominent news
channel aired my interview, which was not liked by Colors, " she quips.
Small screen; smaller talks, such things keep happening in this small world dearie, so buckle up girl...
Thursday, July 09, 2009 12:14 IST