The Delhi High Court Wednesday stayed for a day the release of the promos, as also the preview, of Bollywood movie 'Short Kut - The Con Is On' after a filmmaker alleged its producer, Anil Kapoor Film Co Pvt Ltd, had
lifted the title of his own proposed film.
On a petition filed by one B.S.Bhullar, Justice Reva Khetrapal of the Delhi High Court ordered the stay till Thursday, when the matter will be heard. With the movie set for release Friday, the judge also asked the two
parties to mutually resolve the issue.
Bhullar contended he had registered the title 'Short Kut' in Sep 2005 and the Bollywood actor's production company copied it in an 'illegal and unauthorised' manner.
Bhullar claimed that to make his own movie, he had forwarded the script to Anil Kapoor and offered him a key role in the film. However, Kapoor had turned down the offer, Bhullar added.
The film stars Akshaye Khanna, Arshad Warsi and Amrita Rao.
Thursday, July 09, 2009 12:20 IST