Exclamation when anything goes wrong
Daya would say ‘hey maa mata jee' and personally haila would be the first word.
Indian or western clothing
Daya is always seen in Indian Gujarati saree but personally I wear both Indian and western, depends on the occasion.
Favourite cuisine...
Daya loves Gujarati food and I like Thai food as well.
Nuclear family or join family
Both of us love to be in join family.
Homemaker or working women
Daya is homemaker but I would like continue working even after marriage.
Garba or Bollywood dance number
Daya will go for Garba anytime but I like both.
Equation with Dilip Joshi
He is very helpful to Babitaji onscreen but off-screen he is helpful to everyone.
Striking difference
I am quiet reserved and Daya is very playful. She is also very emotional unlike me.