Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, who is playing a Sikh in some parts of his debut production "Love Aaj Kal", says essaying the character meant a lot of responsibility for him.
"You have to work with great responsibility while playing certain characters so that you don't end up hurting others' sentiments. I have played the role of a Sikh gentleman in this film with sensitivity. A lot of work went
behind it in order to make the character authentic, " Saif told reporters.
"We took care of the costumes, the look, mannerisms, dialect and a lot of other things like I was told not to smoke while wearing the turban while we were shooting for the film in Patiala, " he added.
"Love Aaj Kal", directed by Imtiaz Ali of "Jab We Met" fame, also stars Deepika Padukone and is set to release July 31.
Monday, July 13, 2009 12:37 IST