Less than two months after going on floors, shooting of Himesh Reshammiya's Radio is complete. The film was announced in the month of April this year, the principal shooting began in May and in quick time director Isshaan Trivedi of 7 1/2 Phere (Irrfan Khan, Juhi Chawla) fame has wrapped up Radio. The film stars Shenaz Treasurywala and Sonal Sehgal as the leading ladies opposite Himesh.
Says the man on the hot seat, Himesh Reshammiya, who has been keeping a relatively low profile over the last few months. "That's because I have been busy shooting practically every month. In Radio, I have loved every moment playing the character of RJ Vivan Shah. It was a pleasure working with Isshaan Trivedi and producer Ravi Agarwal", he says.
While Studio 18's Ishk Unplugged and Pooja Bhatt's Kajraare are already complete, Himesh has also completed shooting for Radio in quick time. How is he managing so much in such short time span when so many other actors are doing only one or two films a year? Moreover, he is also responsible for composing and singing for each of these films.
"It suits me when I am working more", replies Himesh, "I have always done fantastic work when I have been loaded with work. I think pressure gets the best out of me. Even John Mathew's A Love Issshtory is complete except for the songs which I will do after Bhushan Kumar fixes the release date of the film. "
Ishk Unplugged, Kajraare, A Love Issshtory and now Radio. There is wide spread speculation about his next release. Though he is non-committal about his next release, Himesh says, "All I can say is that I am extremely confident of all my films. I am also particularly pleased with the sensibilities with which they have been made. "
He has some funny anecdotes to share about Radio though. "Of course, working with the unit of Radio has been a fun experience. However, something that none of us associated with the film will ever forget is that Shenaz spread major viral fever in the unit. At least five members got viral due to her. But then she is a sweet girl and everything is forgotten and forgiven!"
In the film, Shenaz plays the role of Shanaya, a girl who is born to Parsi and Punjabi combination of parents. "And hasn't she done a fabulous job in the film? Same is the case with Sonal Sehgal, who plays my ex-wife in the film. Zakir Hussain and Rajesh Khattar have an important role to play in the film and they both are just fantastic", says Himesh.
"I am sure Radio, which is a romantic comedy, will set new trends. It's truly unconventional yet very commercial", he signs off.
Thursday, July 16, 2009 13:53 IST