Mahesh Bhatt With Jashnn finally hitting the screens, filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt is back with his quotable quotes. As per him, this film is nothing short of being an 'emotional pornography' since it is raw and nude in emotions.
Informs Anjana Sukhani, leading lady of the film, "Yes, Jashnn is indeed an emotionally driven film. No wonder, (Mahesh) Bhatt saab always claimed that Jashnn is nothing short of emotional pornography. Of course the statement will raise quite a few eyebrows but the fact is that it comes with a different connotation."
She goes on to explain the 'depth' of the statement. "See, to achieve something in life, the bigger struggle is not from the outside world but from your inner self. You have to first fight yourself, take your inner demons hands on and struggle from within. That's what you get to see in Jashnn which gets all such emotions out in nude."
Jashnn tells the story of Adhyayan Suman, an aspiring rockstar, whose sister (played by Shahana Goswami) is a mistress of a multimillionaire (Humayun Saeed).
Even though Adhyayan is left with no choice but to adjust to the circumstances, he continues to get killed from inside every moment. This is where a girl (Anjana Sukhani) comes as the only sane voice in his life and makes him stand up on his own.
"In fact, I was emotionally drained when I did this film since it took a hell lot of me", Anjana says, "With Bhatt saab being there with me and the other actors in the film at every step, it was a path of self discovery for all of us."
Her admiration for Mahesh Bhatt continues, "He made us go through self realisation. He made us see reason by narrating an example around a walk which could be way too long.
You may not know where you are walking, what you are and where are you headed towards. This is what happens to each of the characters in the film who, in this journey called Jashnn, get answers to all these three questions."
Truly in awe of Mahesh Bhatt, Anjana Sukhani says, "His way of explaining scenes to us just before we used to get ready for our shots was so great. He used to transfer all the energy of the character into us in such a manner that we were just someone else when the camera started rolling.
Something inside us got changed. It seemed as if a tide took over because the moment he held our hands and gave his precise narration, we would be overflowing with emotions. Such was his effect on us."
On a parting note, Anjana comments, "All of this may sound a little unbelievable or surreal but you have to experience this on the sets with him to understand what he does to his actors. He certainly knows how to extract the best out of an actor."
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 12:50 IST