Dashing actor Aftab Sameer will be all over screens this year. He has releases lined-up back to back, but the big break for him is Mehul kumar's ‘Krantiveer- the Revolution', which will certainly bring revolution in his career.
It has the same elements of the old classic, but with a new generation of actors. "I am playing the role of a revolutionary. This guy joins the army training but realizes that it is more important to clean the corrupt country within than on borders," divulges the modern-day Krantiveer. Film is due for release in September.
Aftab is also doing a second lead in ‘3Nights 4 Days'. He is also doing a cameo in Rohit Nayyar's ‘Shadow', which is releasing next month. He is also occupied for the next year with Rahul Kapoor's ‘Bas Ek Tamanna'.
Stage is set for the actor, now all he needs is ‘one hit' to assure his place in the industry.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 10:53 IST