Recently while addressing the media, gorgeous Nayanthara denied any kind of affair with Prabhu Deva, "I am not in love with anyone. I love only the films I act."
Further replying to media's inquiry about her silence on the same, the actress said, "There is no necessity for me to reply to anyone about these silly things. I have no time to explain about the rumours spread about
me. The only people I should explain to; are my parents. They have faith in me and have given me full freedom. I will not take advantage of this."
Nayanthara also spoke about the wedding photos of her with Prabhu Deva, "Those were graphic generated images. I was totally upset seeing these pictures. In fact I lost my balance."
About her recent
meeting with Simbhu, Nayanthara clarified, "we have met recently only to discuss about a story. There is no other reason. This meeting was purely professional and not personal. I am not in love with anyone."
Thursday, July 23, 2009 10:32 IST