Comedy series "Tarak Mehta Ka Ulta Chashma' completes its double century on 30 July.
Show celebrates the success with the specials on Thursday and Friday eve in an hour long episodes. They have also invited Raju Shrivastav as guest in their colony and will create commotion in Gokuldham rejoicing
the rain dance.
In these episodes they will take us in flashback to the best of their shaggy dog stories so far and also, in between their gags will keep stirring up our moods. In their anniversary episodes, they will also promote Satish
Kaushik's film "Tere Sang'. Evidently show has now become really big enough to push a film.
In a year, this show has made all of us to look at comedy through their Ulta Chashma.
Thursday, July 23, 2009 10:33 IST