A bench of the Delhi High Court Friday referred two petitions against the controversial reality TV show, "Sach ka Saamna", to a division bench as it involves a matter of public interest.
The single-member Bench of Justice Sanjiv Khanna referred the matter to the Division Bench headed by Chief Justice Ajit Prakash Shah and adjourned the hearing for July 29.
Two individual petitioners have sought a stay on the telecast of the new show of STAR Plus that has the anchor asking arguably uncomforting and prying questions to contestants.
The petitioners have pleaded that the content of the show is against Indian values and morality.
They have alleged that the programme, based on the American hit show "Moment of Truth", included "obscene" questions and cited as example the question posed to a woman in the presence of her husband -
whether she had a physical relationship with another person.
The contestant replied in negative but the polygraph test apparently revelaed the answer was wrong.
On Thursday, the information and broadcasting ministry issued a show-cause notice to the TV channel after furore in the Rajya Sabha Wednesday. The ministry has sought a reply from the channel by July 27.
Many MPs demanded that the show, which began last week, should be banned.
Saturday, July 25, 2009 10:29 IST