Renowned film director Anubhav Sinha is tuning his eyes on the small screen now. After his ex-wife Ratna Sinha started with her production house Chota Ganpati Creation and got success with Babul Ka Aangan
Chootey Naa, Anubhav is planning to start his new innings on TV.
As per our sources, "Anubhav is coming up with a series on Sahara One. Though things are at very initial stages, but it has been heard that he will be coming up with a show based on similar lines as CID."
Talking about the star cast, our source reveals, "For now the producer is still thinking on whom to take. The auditions are going on, but definitely channel will have some known faces in the show."
Anubhav Sinha has directed films like Cash, Dus, Tum Bin etc. So let's see whether he is able to churn-out the same magic on small screen or not. But on the other side, finally Sahara is all set to change by bringing
-up some new flavour for their audience.
Monday, July 27, 2009 15:29 IST