Trust Ram Gopal Varma to do the unexpected each and every time. His latest thriller Agyaat means unknown and just like the film's title, even the film's cast and crew still don't know what the film's ending is.
The reason behind this is that RGV has gone ahead and shot multiple endings for the film and has not yet revealed to his cast and crew which one he will retain in the final copy.
These days it has become quite common for the suspense of a thriller to leak out even before the film actually releases. Hence, RGV is taking no chances. Out of the eleven characters, six characters (including the
lead pair of Priyanka Kothari and Nitin Reddy) have shot separate endings and have no clue what the other person has shot.
Confirming this, Ramu says, "Yes...we have shot different endings for Agyaat because of multiple reasons. It's a film which is very similar to The Blair Witch Project in spirit.
We had opportunity to end it in
multiple ways. But one of the major reasons for shooting different ends is that I did not want anyone to know the ending.
Actually, apart from me and my editor no one else knows the ending of Agyaat till the
actual prints are made. Though I keep getting calls from the actors about it, I choose to keep mum."
By shooting multiple endings, Ramu surely has aroused tremendous curiosity among one and all to personally watch Agyaat on 7th August and find out what the actual ending is.
Monday, July 27, 2009 15:31 IST