Not many are aware that Priyanka Chopra missed out on a chance of working with Bollywood's legendary actor Dilip Kumar when she debuted into films. Back then, Priyanka had been signed for the movie along with
Dilip Kumar, but the actress says the makers never took the movie forward.
"But I have no regrets" says Priyanka. "Whenever I lose out on something, I always get something good to look forward to. There were times when things have not happened, but at the end of the day I got something
better. I don't regret not doing those films. I am okay with rejections, but I cannot handle failures, " she says.
The actress who has had a string of flops right from Love Story 2050 to Drona doesn't regret doing them. She states, "I worked hard on these films and trained myself in martial arts.
For Love story I coloured
my hair red. It was a big disappointment that these films did not work. I experimented for my roles. Can you believe it, I have not taken a holiday for the last six years? I have put in so much work, " Priyanka reveals.
With What's your Raashee on the anvil of release, Priyanka must certainly be on tenterhooks now!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 12:06 IST