After a sabbatical that spanned for more than 3 years, Akshay Kapoor is all set to be seen on the big screen with two movie releasing back-to-back in the coming months. The light eyed boy will be first seen in Anjum
Rizvi's ‘Fast Forward' in August- a movie based purely on dance, also starring Vinod Khanna, Mahesh Manjrekar, Bhavna Pani, Rehan Khan, Sabina Sheema and others.
Followed by this is ‘Three' in September, a Vikram Bhatt production in which he will be seen with Ashish Chowdhry and Nausheen Ali Sardar. The movie is directed by Vishal Pandya.
After his bald superhero act in ‘Alag' which brought him critical appreciation, Akshay disappeared from the Bollywood scenario. The actor suffered from four acute Typhoid attacks all in the span of one year and had
been recuperating from the same in the States! But now he is back in action and all set to wow the audience.
"Yeah, I am really looking forward to my movies releasing soon. I've been away for too long and it feels great to be back where I belong, " smiles Akshay.
Well now the actor is looking better than ever and is all set to dance his way back in Bollywood...Literally!!
Friday, July 31, 2009 11:49 IST