While on promos, the first promo of David Dhawan's DO KNOT DISTURB, produced by Vashu Bhagnani, was launched last Friday, when LOVE AAJ KAL hit the screens. While the response in theatres was incredible,
the promo received an unimaginable response when it was beamed while Rakhi Sawant's swayamwar was in progress on Sunday night.
Rakhi's swayamwar was sure to attract millions of eyeballs that night and Big Pictures decided to run the promos of DO KNOT DISTURB during the break to reach out to a wider audience at one go.
And the strategy
worked wonders, for David Dhawan was flooded with calls and his Inbox was crammed with sms-es from across the country that night.
"The response was overwhelming. It's a known fact that television has a huge reach, but what I realized on Sunday night was that if you plug your promo in a widely-watched show, it can work wonders for your film.
Believe me, I was inundated with calls every time the promo came on air. I got calls from even those whom I hadn't spoken to since the last few years... I am very thankful to Big Pictures for giving the film that
exposure, " David tells me.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009 11:23 IST