Dark comedy series ‘Yeh Chanda Kanoon Hai' will not spare anyone. Currently they are focusing on the contemporary issues in the society.
Interesting cases that will be heard in the recent future in the court of the serial are about Gay rights and Ragging in hostels. "Both the subjects are sensitive and as we do not want to hurt anyone's sentiments thus we
are discussing it to the length with our research team" informs the writer of the show, Manoj Santoshi.
As of now serial is running the case of Browny Raheja's that is based on infamous Shiny Ahuja rape case. So as to avoid any controversies they have toned down the case to eve-teasing with domestic help. By the
way Browny Raheja is played by the controversial man, Raja Chaudhary.
Guys' lets take the light-hearted comedy lightly and appreciate India's first courtroom drama!
Thursday, August 06, 2009 11:34 IST