Madhur Bhandarkar who is near fanatical about his new film Jail wants to give a real look to it. For the real feeling he has already shot it in a jail, but now he seems to have ordered the uniforms of the prisoners from a
unit of government.
The condition on which they have been lent to Madhur is that they have to be returned on time without damage and should be worn by the actors only from his unit.
According to Madhur the uniforms, which are stitched by the inmates from the jail belong to the authorities and the entire star cast is dressed up in the real jail costumes to give a real feeling of the prison.
also added that it was a difficult task to maintain the uniforms not in terms of wear and tear, but about their count, as there were strict instructions about not losing a single one of them.
Sarcastically he added, that all through the shooting the entire unit had to constantly keep counting the number of uniforms, as it was an outdoor shoot and they were scared about losing out on one of them.
Thursday, August 06, 2009 11:42 IST