On Monday night, Shahid Kapoor and Priyanka were seen watching Love Aaj Kal together. The duo were spotted for the night show at a suburban multiplex and seemed like
they were having a great time together.
They walked into the theatre 15 minutes prior to the show and had booked not two but four seats in the last row. All through
the movie they were seen holding hands sitting cozily and giggling away.
Obvious reasons for Shahid watching the film were figured out as to be- first, he trying to judge whether Imtiaz Ali had managed to recreate the Jab We Met magic, where he
was opposite Kareena Kapoor and the second reason was to check out how well Kareena's boyfriend Saif has performed in his home production.
All said and done this confused couple who are still unaware of their relationship status seem to have always ended up having a good time together.
Saturday, August 08, 2009 11:07 IST