The most hit and famous on-screen jodi of Ram and Sita, Gurmeet Choudhary and Debina Bonerjee are back on-screen together with Pati Patni Aur Woh. With this show they finally reveal their on-going relationship to the world.
What took you so long to reveal your relationship?
Gurmeet: I thought that this is the right time to talk about our four years of relationship to the world. Also, we wanted to shock the audience that we are together.
Debina: I want to correct Gurmeet, we are together since four and a half years, and are grateful to get the big break on TV as Ram and Sita.
Why did you choose to do this show?
Gurmeet: It is a unique concept and a new experience for us, where we have to take care of the babies as their parents. Alongside there is no bitching or eating worm in the show, as it is very clean. I hope people like us in this show as well.
Debina: Gurmeet is very nice person and has always supported me, and even in this show he will take all my tension by handling and taking proper care of the baby.
Gurmeet: I don't know who will be handling the baby and who will be taking care of the kitchen. All the BBC guys tease me, as I don't know how to cook.
Debina: I have been telling him to learn cooking, but he is just not listening. What if he will be given the task of cooking? Then it seems we will be having jala (burn) khana in the show (grins). Or else, I had to teach him the same on the show.
Have you any time dealt with infants or toddlers in your real life?
Gurmeet: I haven't dealt much, but yes my brother has a smart and cute little boy and I love him much. Also, my sister has a cute and pretty looking daughter whom I adore much, but haven't dealt with them on daily basis, as changing their nappies or cleaning their potty.
Debina: I haven't dealt with kids so much beside the one in my show, Luv and Kush, that also just for few hours.
Don't you think that the condition of these infants and toddlers can create controversies?
Gurmeet: I don't think so, as the production house will be taking their real parents too, but the fact only remains that they will be monitoring their child from the other room through CCTV. Also, there are precautions and doctors available.
We have gone through medical and psychological test to see to it that we don't hurt the little ones in any case, and that, we will be able to handle the stress in any situation. Their parents can intervene if they think that we are not able to handle their child well.
Debina: We have gone thorough lots of medical test. They have taken 3 bottles of my blood. I am most scared of the needles, but then had no other choice but to cry and do all the tests.
One thing you are looking and not looking forward to, in the show?
Debina: For the first time we won't be acting on-screen, this is what I am looking forward to. On the other hand, I don't want to look forward for the jala hua khana from Gurmeet's kitchen.
What do you expect, a girl or a boy child in the show?
Both: There are no choices for us, but we don't mind parenting either of them.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 10:24 IST