There is a strong buzz going around in the industry circles that Ajay Devgan, who wants to release All The Best, is planning to shell out Rs 50 lakhs if he wants his film to hit the theatres on October 16, the same day as Aladin, Blue and Main aur Mrs Khanna. Even a few tabloids have reported this today.
However, this decision has not gone down well with Sanjay Dutt who stars along with Ajay in the comic caper All The Best directed by Rohit Shetty.
Reveals our source, "Sanjay Dutt already has two major releases Blue and Aladin this year lined up on the same date, October 16th during Diwali. Now he is in no mood to have a third release on the same day too. He is very upset with Ajay Devgan and is discouraging him from releasing the movie on Diwali."
Anthony D'Souza's Blue will see Sanjay Dutt in an action role where as in Aladin he will be seen as the bad guy called Ringmaster.
Both the scheduled films are big budget starrers and Sanjay Dutt does not want to take any chances with them. He has been banking on these films for quite some time now, especially after a hit-less two years.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 10:47 IST