Smilie Suri is currently running across north India with director N Chandra to promote her film Yeh Mera India. Since this is her second film after Kalyug and that too after a gap of four years, she wasn't very sure of
reactions of cine goers. But was she is for a pleasant surprise?
After the harrowing experience at Mumbai airport and after missing their first flight, the team finally reached their first stop Chandigarh.
Their press conference was organized in a British school and when
Smilie reached the venue, she got such a beautiful surprise. Kids of that school had made a collage of Smilie's pictures after downloading them from the net.
Comments an ecstatic Smilie, "their principal
gave me my photo collage. I was so surprised. Then she explained to me that she herself could not recall my face when she was informed about the guest list from the film. Children tried to refresh her memory, but she
is not a Hindi film viewer, so naturally she could not remember.
So the kids went online, downloaded my photos from there and made a collage for the principal. They waited till so long to meet me. I am really
floored and humbled. Good films really do wonder for any artiste, new or old. Am sure that Chandra Ji's YMI will do the same for me."
Smilie Suri is playing a middle class Maharashtrian girl who is working in a call centre. Puran Kohli plays her love interest while Rajit Kapoor is her boos. Her character is very strong and when cornered due to male
chauvinism, she stands up for her rights. Its totally in contrast to her character in Kalyug.
In Yeh Mera India, directed by N.Chandra, other star cast is Anupam Kher, Seema Biswas, Sarika, Rajpal Yadav, Parveen Dabbas, Perizad Zorabian, Rajat Kapur, Purab Kohli, Milind Gunaji & Smilie Suri. it's releasing
on 28th August 2009.
Thursday, August 13, 2009 12:25 IST