Director Vishal Bharadwaj's dark thriller "Kaminey" has turned out to be a goldmine, earning about Rs. 330 million in its first weekend at the box office.
Produced by UTV Motion Pictures, the fast-paced crime drama, released Friday, has made good business despite the fact that it wasn't released in major cities of Maharashtra the same day due to swine flu scare.
"Kaminey" was released worldwide with 1, 200 prints and it hit theatres in Maharashtra Monday.
"The film has surpassed all expectations with the kind of business it did in the first weekend of its release and critical acclaim that it has generated in India and around the world, " said Siddharth Roy Kapur, CEO, UTV Motion Pictures.
"The success of 'Kaminey' is testament to what can be achieved when you bring together a visionary director, talented cast and crew, compelling script, great production values, aggressive marketing and sound distribution strategy, " added Kapur.
According to a press release from UTV, the movie has already become Bharadwaj's and leading casts' biggest hit ever. It has also been the second biggest opening of the year in India as well as the US and UAE. The film got biggest opening in Pakistan as well as Australia.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 17:18 IST