Smilie marked her steps in Bollywood with film "Kalyug" opposite Kunal Khemu. She left sweets as she took an oath that she won't eat sweets until the movie is claimed a hit in box-office report.
Recently, she went across the cities of Delhi, Chandigarh and Jaipur for the promotion of her up-coming film, "Yeh Mera India (Y. M. I)" When her flight took off from Chandigarh, she told us that incidentally she left
sweets even this time before the release of the film. She left sweet to the extent that she is having tea and coffee without sugar.
She strongly believes that if she quits sweets her film will really do well at the
box-office. She loves chocolates but she is strong with her temptation and will power.
Let's see her tactic of quitting sweet works for her this time again or not. She is keeping her finger cross for Y. M. I.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 17:32 IST