Yesteryears' actor Jeetendra is in a land row. Some builders have allegedly used muscle power to take possession of a piece of land the actor says he purchased on behalf of Balaji Telefilms and used local police
force to intimidate the senior actor's staff.
"How can they do this to us in a city like Mumbai? We bought the land after four land searches. Then we bought the land and got all the proper documents. We also gave an ad in the paper saying, if anyone has any
claim over the land, please come forward. Having done all that some builders have come forward to claim it's their land, " angry Ekta Kapoor, Jeetendra's daughter, told.
"Shockingly, they came to our land Tuesday with cops and took our people to jail. The cops have illegally removed our people when we've all the papers. Because the other builder is a goon, they've put my people in
jail, " she added.
The incident took place Tuesday evening at Mira Road in Thane district. Ekta and his family are planning to sue the police.
Balaji's lawyer Sandeep Singh Sidhu said: "There is a status quo order by the Mumbai High Court. Without honouring that particular order...I think the local police was approached by RNA and they tried to dispossess
us forcibly at around 5 p.m. on Tuesday."
Thursday, August 20, 2009 12:29 IST