Sreejata De who rose to fame with Annu Ki Hogayi Wah Bhai Wah has been out of sight since long. Well the secret behind her hiding out is- movies, but for the time being, she is busy minting moolah for daily
"I am planning to go get my hold in Bollywood again, so for the time being the stints on television will take a back seat, " says Sreejita.
he actress believes cameos are the best to keep youself busy and earning. "My producers have told me that if you want to go in films don't take television shows. But I did cameo in Maniben, so that I can carry out my
expenses well till my film shoot gets started."
Can you elaborate about you film? "Well it's too early to talk about it, but all I could tell you is that the shooting of the film will start by September end or October first week."
"So till then I have decided to get my hands in cameo. Its good fun and you get paid well too. Today I think it's my last day of the shoot in, after this lets see what other cameo come my way, " she
Well Sreejita this can be termed as your second innings in Bollywood so we hope the best for you. Till then keep the cash registers ringing with those TV cameos.
Friday, August 21, 2009 11:58 IST