Mani Ratnam has managed something filmmakers couldn't do for years now. He made Govinda, who is notoriously famous for being late for his shoots; wake up at 3.30 am for 13 consecutive days!
In the last schedule of Raavana, Govinda has to get up in the middle of the night for his shots. Govinda had a hard time shooting like that and had to get oil massages done at the end of the shoot. Govinda admits it
was very tough shooting for Raavana, but it was a great experience.
Meanwhile, no details are being divulged about his role in Raavana. Raavana is said to be a modern Ramayana with Abhishek Bachchan in the title role. Govinda's role is similar to that of Hanuman but all the actor
informs is that his role is like that of a travel guide.
Monday, August 24, 2009 12:03 IST