Anurag Kashyap, who was planning to make a biopic on Guru Dutt, has put it aside to work on another film. He has been traveling all over Punjab and gathering information about the revolutionary poet, Avtar Singh
Sandhu also known as Pash.
Irrfan Khan has been chosen to play Pash. The actor is doing his homework well and preparing for his most challenging role so far. He is reading up on Pash. He is also learning Punjabi, so as to be able to recite
Pash's poems in his own voice.
Pash was a rebel who raised his voice against the establishment. The establishment feared him so much that he was sent to jail on false allegations. Pash died a mysterious death when he was 38-years-old.
Anurag has been busy getting his information on Pash in the last few months. According to sources, the film still has to begin shooting.
The producers are trying to be very careful about not leaking any
information about the film to the public, as Pash is a controversial figure in Punjab and they don't want any problems to come up now, as it is still in the development stage.
Monday, August 24, 2009 12:08 IST