Priyanka Chopra is probably the first actress to have claimed that recession has hit her. It is the general perception that the economic downturn has hit producers, distributors and exhibitors in the film industry but
definitely not stars who, in any case, get paid hefty fees.
As we all know several producers have asked stars to cut down their remunerations because of the financial crunch resulting from the slowdown, but even after stars have obliged, it has been felt that depression hasn't
really hit them because they were charging unrealistically high prices in any case.
How ever, Priyanka begs to differ. Priyanka apparently complains that she is the most overworked, over-stressed and
underpaid actress and that recession has hit her badly. Probably, Priyanka has a point.
For, in Britain, celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay is also a victim of the economic downturn.
Like in the case of actors, one would have never imagined the presenter of a string of TV cookery shows and owner of
more than 20 restaurants worldwide to be hit by the worldwide depression.
But of his own admission, Gordon Ramsay was recently advised to file for bankruptcy because his upmarket eateries have been hit
hard by the recession. What's more, Gor don has been forced to sell his luxury sports car and may even have to sell off his London home to pay off his debts.
Monday, August 24, 2009 12:48 IST