Bollywood actors work really hard to get into the skin of their character. No different was the experience of Nausheen Ali Sardar while preparing for her character in her upcoming film ‘Three- love, lies and
Produced by Vikram Bhatt, the film stars Ashish Chowdhry and Akshay Kapoor opposite her. Nausheen, who plays a violin teacher, apparently took violin lessons to make her character appear realistic.
yes, learning the musical instrument is not an easy task, but Nausheen worked really hard to learn the technicalities of playing a violin.
"It's absolutely not an easy instrument. But I was quite passionate about learning it and according to my guru; I have been a good student. I did picked up early. It's all right if I didn't get to play it in my movie Three, but
I'm sure I will continue practicing it, " says Nausheen.
Ironically, Nausheen's enthusiasm for playing the violin did not receive its due, as none of the scenes in the film required her to play the instrument ultimately.
Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:40 IST